Community Development



CityWorks was formed by group of developers who wanted to create an organization that would bring commercial and retail to economically-distressed areas in order to supplement and coordinate with the production of low-income housing in New Jersey.

Civic League of Greater New Brunswick

Civic League of Greater New Brunswick

The League continues to be a strong presence in New Brunswick. Involved in the statewide Mt. Laurel litigation (the League’s housing zoning suit against 23 of the 25 Middlesex County municipalities was included in the state Supreme Court Fair Share housing decisions),...

Recent Updates

Monmouth County Rental Housing Profile

This report serves as a resource to better understand the landscape of rental housing in the county, patterns and trends, and affordability challenges.

RWV Center @ ACSP 2024

The RWV Center attended the Association for Collegiate Schools of Planning Conference in Seattle from November 6-9, 2024 and presented their research: Soo Yeon Lim "Making Greenbelt Land Development 'Public' in Seoul Metropolitan Area" Will Payne "Measuring the...

Nadia Mian presented at the Monarch Housing Conference

Nadia Mian was part of a panel along with Victoria Barreca from Enterprise Community Partners, and Sajan Philip from Cardinal Impact Advisors discussing "Having Faith in your Community" at the Monarch Housing as a Human Right Conference in October 2024.