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Research and EventsJovanna Rosen publishes new article in Urban Studies
Jovanna Rosen, along with Sean Angst, Gary Painter, and Soledad de Gregorio, published an article in Urban Studies entitled, "Harassment or neglect? How market dynamics and rent control shape...
Understanding the Role of Housing Navigators
This year, five Ralph W. Voorhees Public Service Fellows worked with New Community Corporation, a community development organization in Newark, New Jersey, to research housing navigation. Part of a...
RWVC Talks with Zehra Mahdi
Fulbright Scholar Zehra Mahdi will be discussing mapping neighborhood boundaries of informal Muslim settlements in Jamia Nagar, Delhi, India on Tuesday February 11th from 4-5pm in Room 261 at the...
Biannual Report
The Voorhees Center Binnual Report (July-December 2024) takes a retrospective look at our incredible research associates, affiliated faculty, research and more.
New Report on Corporate Ownership of Small Residential Properties in 7 Municipalities in New Jersey
Eric Seymour, Will Payne, Kathe Newman and Lauren Nolan published a new report on Corporate Ownership of Small Residential Properties in Seven New Jersey Municipalities. This report examines...
Professors Shih and Newman Publish Article in Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
As part of a special themed issue on land and value, Professors Mi Shih and Kathe Newman published an article in Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space discussing land value capture and the...
Professors Shih and Newman Publish Themed Journal Issue
Professors Mi Shih and Kathe Newman published a themed issue of Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space (September 2024, Issue 56, Volume 6) focused on land and value.
Monmouth County Rental Housing Profile
This report serves as a resource to better understand the landscape of rental housing in the county, patterns and trends, and affordability challenges.
RWV Center @ ACSP 2024
The RWV Center attended the Association for Collegiate Schools of Planning Conference in Seattle from November 6-9, 2024 and presented their research: Soo Yeon Lim "Making Greenbelt Land Development...
Jovanna Rosen quoted in the Philadelphia Inquirer
Assistant Professor Jovanna Rosen was quoted in the Philadelphia Inquirer about community benefits agreements and the new Sixers arena.
Nadia Mian presented at the Monarch Housing Conference
Nadia Mian was part of a panel along with Victoria Barreca from Enterprise Community Partners, and Sajan Philip from Cardinal Impact Advisors discussing "Having Faith in your Community" at the...
Will Payne featured on Rutgers Today
Will Payne's research on "review bombing" was featured on Rutgers Today.
Kathe Newman and Ben Gerlofs Appointed New Book Review Editors for the Journal of Urban Affairs
Kathe Newman and Ben Gerlofs (University of Hong Kong) were named the new book review editors for the Journal of Urban Affairs, a journal of the Urban Affairs Association.
Housing Conference and Photos
The Rutgers Equity Alliance for Community Health (REACH) in collaboration with the Ralph W. Voorhees Center for Civic Engagement, the Rutgers Center on Law, Inequality and Metropolitan Equity, and...
Cara Cuite on NPR
Cara Cuite was interviewed for an article for NPR on storm evacuations. Read the article here.