The RWV Public Service Fellows met with community partner, Unity Square, to present their mid-term findings on how emergency service organizations are able to provide the unhoused population with basic needs such as showers, storage, and hygiene products. The Fellows...
Nadia Mian presents at Monarch Housing Associate’s Housing as a Human Right Conference
Nadia Mian along with Tracey Rogers and Dr. Marc Shi was part of a panel examining gentrification and displacement as part of Monarch Housing Associate's Housing as a Human Right conference on October 3, 2023. Photo credit: Tamara Fleming Photography
Eric Seymour part of the Federal Reserve Community Development Research Series
Eric Seymour was part of a seminar organized by the Federal Reserve Banks of Cleveland and Minneapolis entitled "Keys to Opportunity in the Housing Market: How Financial Models Advance and Constrain Low-Income Communities." The seminar examined how both contracts for...
Rapid Cities Research
As part of the NJSOARH project, RWV Center staff, Kathe Newman, and faculty affiliate, Eric Seymour, have spent the semester conducting field research in several cities around the State.
Congratulations to Aretousa Bloom!
Congratulations to Aretousa Bloom for accepting a position as a LSE Fellow in Urban Geography at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Kathe Newman and Eric Seymour receive grant funding from Rutgers REACH Initiative
Kathe Newman and Eric Seymour are the recipients of grant funding from Rutgers REACH initiative and were featured in Rutgers Today. The Rutgers Equity Alliance for Community Health (REACH) is a new presidential program that brings together community-based...
Nadia Mian publishes article on faith-based development in Planning Magazine
Nadia Mian with Richard Reinhard's article "Transforming Empty Churches into Affordable Housing" was published in the Summer 2023 print version of Planning Magazine and online in May 2023. The article looks examines how zoning reform, partnerships and creative...
Annual Report 2022-2023
The Voorhees Center Annual Report takes a retrospective look at our incredible research associates, affiliated faculty, research and more.
RWV Center Staff and Faculty Affiliates present at the UAA Conference
RWV Center staff and faculty affiliates presented their research at the Urban Affairs Conference in Nashville, Tennessee this past week. Highlights from the conference include: James DeFilippis’ colloquy presentation in the panel series entitled “Understanding the New...
Spring 2023 Newsletter
The Center’s Spring 2023 Newsletter celebrates the achievements of our student research associates, and discusses our latest research, as well as updates from our Faculty affiliates!
Eric Seymour publishes article in New Labor Forum
Eric Seymour and Taylor Shelton’s article entitled “How Private Equity Landlords Prey on Working-Class Communities of Color,” was published in New Labor Forum. The paper focuses on the Atlanta region and describes the factors contributing to the increase of private...
New Faculty Affiliates Join the Center
The RWV Center is excited to welcome Yen-Tyng Chen, Mike Smart and Nancy Wolff to the Center as faculty affiliates. Dr. Yen-Tyng Chen is an Assistant Professor in Public Health at the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy. Dr. Chen is a social...