Pantries have tried a number of different strategies to increase institutional cultural competency and mediate language and cultural differences.
Emergency Food System Challenges: Attracting & Retaining Volunteers
The 2019-2020 Ralph W. Voorhees Fellows examined the role of volunteers in pantry management.
Emergency Food System Challenges: Technology and Food Pantry Management
Food banks and pantries are increasingly turning to technology such as GPS tracking, logistics software, and database management to manage food inventories, client records, and governmental reporting.
July 2020 Newsletter
The Center's July 2020 Newsletter discusses our latest research, introduces our newest Voorhees Fellows, and celebrates the achievements of our Voorhees Fellow Alumni!
Materials Management and Manufacturing in Newark
The Spring 2014 community development studio explored Newark’s manufacturing waste stream and potential opportunities for reusing durable manufacturing discards and shipping materials to generate new jobs.
Lending and Foreclosure in New Jersey
The RWV Center compiles information about foreclosure from a variety of sources to better understand the problem of foreclosure in NJ.
Federally Assisted Housing in Greater Newark
Kelly Timmes prepared a guide to federally assisted housing in the Greater Newark area in partnership with the Greater Newark Federally Assisted Housing Coalition. The guide includes property-level information organized in “Building Sheets” and a brief statistical...
Manufacturing Byproduct and Shipping Material Reuse: Newark
In partnership with the City of Newark’s Office of Sustainability, the Fall 2013 Community Development Studio began a yearlong exploration of Newark’s industrial waste stream.
Urban Agriculture Field Trips
Elijah’s Promise and the Ralph W. Voorhees Center partnered to enhance community food security and food-related community economic development. With a Rutgers University Community University Research Partnership grant, teams of students, faculty, community residents,...
CityWorks was formed by group of developers who wanted to create an organization that would bring commercial and retail to economically-distressed areas in order to supplement and coordinate with the production of low-income housing in New Jersey.
Civic League of Greater New Brunswick
The League continues to be a strong presence in New Brunswick. Involved in the statewide Mt. Laurel litigation (the League’s housing zoning suit against 23 of the 25 Middlesex County municipalities was included in the state Supreme Court Fair Share housing decisions),...
Elizabeth Development Company
A case study of the Elizabeth Development Company.