RWV Biannual Report

Annual report RWV Center Rutgers Voorhees
The Voorhees Center Biannual Report (July-December 2024) takes a retrospective look at our incredible research associates, affiliated faculty, research and more.

Corporate Ownership of Small Residential Properties in Seven New Jersey Municipalities

investor owned housing Eric Seymour, Will Payne, Kathe Newman and Lauren Nolan published a new report on Corporate Ownership of Small Residential Properties in Seven New Jersey Municipalities. This report examines  changes in corporate ownership of 1-to-4 unit residential properties in Asbury Park, Millville, Montclair, New Brunswick, Passaic, Phillipsburg, and West New York, New Jersey between 2010 and 2022.

Housing Conference

The RWV Center, along with Rutgers Equity Alliance for Community Health, Rutgers Law School Center for Law, Inequality and Metropolitan Equity (CLiME) and Rutgers Center for Urban Research and Education held a Housing Conference.

Homelessness in New Brunswick and Programs to Address It


This research project explores affordable rental housing in New Jersey with County Reports, a Rent Control report, and scholarly research examining administrative data.

Rent Control in New Jersey Report

Ralph W. Voorhees Public Service Fellows New Report Released

Fellows report basic needs unhoused Rutgers Voorhees CenterThis report examines basic needs such as mobile showers and laundry, storage and hygiene kits for unhoused and precariously housed populations.

Housing and Health Equity Cluster

The Ralph W. Voorhees Center is participating in the University’s Housing and Health Equity Cluster working collaboratively with colleagues, programs, and research centers across Rutgers.

Rutgers REACH

Kathe Newman and Eric Seymour are the recipients of two REACH grants.

Research & Publications

Center faculty and students conduct research on community development topics such as housing insecurity, community economic development, and community food security.

Current Projects

Learn more about our current projects.

The Ralph W. Voorhees Center for Civic Engagement is a collaboration of university faculty, students and community development actors that seeks to enhance educational opportunities, facilitate innovative research, and build community development capacity.

News & Updates

Highlighting student & faculty news, research and upcoming events.



Center faculty and students conduct research on community development topics such as housing insecurity, community economic development, and community food security.



Center faculty and students conduct research on community development topics such as housing insecurity, community economic development, and community food security.