This year, five Ralph W. Voorhees Public Service Fellows worked with New Community Corporation, a community development organization in Newark, New Jersey, to research housing navigation. Part of a Rutgers Equity Alliance for Community Health (REACH) community engaged...
Community Development
New Report on Corporate Ownership of Small Residential Properties in 7 Municipalities in New Jersey
Eric Seymour, Will Payne, Kathe Newman and Lauren Nolan published a new report on Corporate Ownership of Small Residential Properties in Seven New Jersey Municipalities. This report examines changes in corporate ownership of 1-to-4 unit residential properties in...
Professors Shih and Newman Publish Article in Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
As part of a special themed issue on land and value, Professors Mi Shih and Kathe Newman published an article in Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space discussing land value capture and the role of value in negotiating the city's social future.
Professors Shih and Newman Publish Themed Journal Issue
Professors Mi Shih and Kathe Newman published a themed issue of Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space (September 2024, Issue 56, Volume 6) focused on land and value.
Monmouth County Rental Housing Profile
This report serves as a resource to better understand the landscape of rental housing in the county, patterns and trends, and affordability challenges.
Homelessness in New Brunswick and Programs to Address It
This report identifies the challenges that emergency service organizations and their clients are experiencing as they attempt to access, or consider accessing, the existing service infrastructure and to identify areas of unmet need.
Basic Needs Services for the Unhoused
This report examines basic needs such as mobile showers and laundry, storage and hygiene kits for unhoused and precariously housed populations.
Challenges Facing Aging Adults in Northern NJ
A study to better understand the aging population (aged 55 and up) in northern NJ: where they live, existing services and service gaps, cultural and religious needs, and to consider challenges facing aging adults into the future.
Materials Management and Manufacturing in Newark
The Spring 2014 community development studio explored Newark’s manufacturing waste stream and potential opportunities for reusing durable manufacturing discards and shipping materials to generate new jobs.
Impact of Paterson’s Environment on Children
The Ralph W. Voorhees Center for Civic Engagement, in a study funded by the Taub Foundation, strove to understand non-school barriers to children doing well in Paterson, New Jersey.
Recent Updates
Understanding the Role of Housing Navigators
This year, five Ralph W. Voorhees Public Service Fellows worked with New Community Corporation, a community development organization in Newark, New Jersey, to research housing navigation. Part of a Rutgers Equity Alliance for Community Health (REACH) community engaged...
RWVC Talks with Zehra Mahdi
Fulbright Scholar Zehra Mahdi will be discussing mapping neighborhood boundaries of informal Muslim settlements in Jamia Nagar, Delhi, India on Tuesday February 11th from 4-5pm in Room 261 at the Bloustein School. Join us!
Biannual Report
The Voorhees Center Binnual Report (July-December 2024) takes a retrospective look at our incredible research associates, affiliated faculty, research and more.
New Report on Corporate Ownership of Small Residential Properties in 7 Municipalities in New Jersey
Eric Seymour, Will Payne, Kathe Newman and Lauren Nolan published a new report on Corporate Ownership of Small Residential Properties in Seven New Jersey Municipalities. This report examines changes in corporate ownership of 1-to-4 unit residential properties in...
Professors Shih and Newman Publish Article in Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
As part of a special themed issue on land and value, Professors Mi Shih and Kathe Newman published an article in Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space discussing land value capture and the role of value in negotiating the city's social future.