
Rutgers Equity Alliance for Community Health (REACH)
The Ralph W. Voorhees Center is participating in the Rutgers Equity Alliance for Community Health’s (REACH) housing table where Kathe Newman is lead. The Table is working on a housing policy document and planning a New Jersey housing conference. Faculty affiliate, Cara Cuite, is leading the REACH food security Table.
RWV Center Faculty Affiliate Eric Seymour and Kathe Newman each received grants from the Rutgers Equity Alliance for Community Health. Professor Seymour is working with Unity Square Community Center in New Brunswick to study the challenges faced by emergency service organizations in supporting unhoused and precariously housed populations. Kathe Newman and Katharine Nelson are examining mortgage lending disparities in Camden in partnership with St. Joseph’s Carpenter Society.

Housing and Health Equity Cluster
The Ralph W. Voorhees Center is a participating in the University’s Housing and Health Equity Cluster working collaboratively with colleagues, programs, and research centers across Rutgers.
Image: Marcelo Remond