Land and Value
Land and Value
Food Security
Professors Shih and Newman Publish Themed Journal Issue
Professors Mi Shih and Kathe Newman published a themed issue of Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space (September 2024, Issue 56, Volume 6) focused on land and value.

Professors Shih and Newman Publish Article in Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
As part of a special themed issue on land and value, Professors Mi Shih and Kathe Newman published an article in Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space discussing land value capture and the role of value in negotiating the city’s social future.

Negotiating Social Futures Action Grant
Profs. Mi Shih and Kathe Newman received an Urban Studies Foundation Knowledge Mobilization award in 2021. The objective of this funding is to transform critical urban scholarship to social engagement actions in Taiwan. The local partners of this project include the Lab for Integrated Socio-Spatial Science and Information (LISSI) at National Chengchi University and the Organization of Urban Re-s (OURs). OURs is an influential NGO in Taiwan that has been involved in urban policy making and civic engagement for decades. Collaborating with Dr. Yinghui Chiang at LISSI and Mr. Yang-Kai Peng, Secretary General of OURs, we organized a series of three virtual events on July 30 and 31, 2022. The first was a public talk and the second two were discussion panels. Dr. Shih and Dr. Chiang gave a presentation titled Land’s Social Values: What Kinds of Markets and Urban Futures Have Density Tools Created? That was based on their research on the politics of land development and value capture. Each of the discussion panels was comprised of four scholars and practitioners who have long paid close attention to issues related to land development regulatory tools and affordable housing. Each event attracted more than 120 participants and featured a lively Q&A session.

Negotiating Social Futures Seminar Series
Professors Mi Shih and Kathe Newman received support from the Urban Studies Foundation for a series of events to bring global researchers in conversation about the politics of land and value and to provide training and support for early career faculty and students. More than 90 people attended a virtual paper conference in September 2021. The team hosted a case study workshop in January 2022 and is hosting an-person case study conference in September 2022 at the Bloustein School. Professors Shih and Newman wrote the introduction and edited a themed issue of Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space (September 2024, Volume 56, Issue 6) based on a set of papers from the conference. A book proposal has also been submitted to publish the collected case studies.